Yoga for ADD / ADHD
12:10 AM
Is yoga for attention deficit disorder a sensible solution? ADD and ADHD are increasing, and experts do not agree on the reasons why this is so. Regardless of the cause, the fact that it is entirely impossible to focus on throughout the lifetime remains unchanged. Schools, workplaces, and social environments can become personal hell if they can not completely control their own heart's attention. The tension of all stakeholders rises, it becomes a harmful relationship, and there is a possibility that the self-worth of the victims may be adversely affected.
Throughout history, people with ADD / ADHD have been accused of intelligence or laziness because of the fact that they can not distract and can not concentrate easily. Thankfully, brain science has become their aid. People with ADD and ADHD have measurable, physical differences in their brain structure with less development in the prefrontal cortex, focal and attention-related brain areas. But those with ADD and ADHD tend to have a slightly higher IQ than their silent colleagues and people with ADD think that they are not very intelligent.
For people with ADD / ADHD, their brain does not understand how to silence external stimuli, especially to benefit one source. As a result, the brain recognizes all things happening in the environment at the same time. As a result, these individuals will stick to doing flapping by the moment they finish their fantasies during the lecture, or until they are paying attention to the sports they are currently playing. Without the ability to concentrate or block certain neurons, patients with ADD can not concentrate simply. The world is one of the biggest and distracting places for people without potential hindrance.
In addition, the ADD brain shows many theta activities. In contrast, the state of focus is characterized by an increase in the amount of beta wave radiation.
Meditation promotes the growth of gray matter in the area of the brain associated with the focus but for the majority of people with ADD the idea of sitting and trying to concentrate on breathing is a kind of mysterious torture It sounds like it. In brain structures different from that of the average person, meditation will prove to be very difficult for people with ADD. But yoga is a perfect substitute.
Movement during learning is a big difference for ADD people who can focus frequently while exercising the body. In the beginning meditation may be too far stretching, but yoga is a perfect blend of mindfulness and physical activity.
In order for this to be effective, individuals should choose yoga schools that appeal to them. Some people like yoga classes that maintain their posture, others enjoy the physically strict experience of flow yoga. Either style is beneficial.
The next step is to find a patient's yoga instructor. Since yoga teachers play an active role in making yoga work for them, we need to know very well the fact that potential students have ADD / ADHD. A good yoga instructor for this purpose will be willing to redirect the student's attention kindly when drifting constantly during class. Since people with ADD / ADHD have dealt with sufficient shame and negative about their carelessness to last their lifetime, recapture of this attention must be done in a sort of non-judgmental way. Yoga should always be a positive experience.
Participating in the yoga class from start to finish can bring good change in the long term, but the same area managing the balance controls the behavior, so the balance related poses are particularly beneficial There is a possibility and the stability of thinking. This is wonderful for ADD patients, especially under social circumstances, often due to the lack of deterrence.
For children and adults, regardless of ADD / ADHD trying to make changes, yoga may be the answer they were looking for. The best part about making yoga a daily habit is that it does not interfere with any prescriptions, which means that it may be used as a complementary therapy with excellent outcomes. Upon completion of the yoga session, people with ADD will be given a sense of accomplishment and awareness of purpose, which will also be handed over to other aspects of life. By acquiring concentration, these creative and intelligent individuals may begin to maximize the possibilities of their unique mind.