Human Touch: Wisdom of Deshichacharu of Yoga Therapy

When asked about his approach and the main difference between physicians Yoga scholar T. K. V. Desikachar said For anyone, whatever the type of suffering there must be a human feeling.I am not a paper sheave I am dealing with personality, human.I am not using X rays but laboratory tests I do not want to see people, but I would like to see the people, I see them, I see them, I get a pulse, I may be back in the background in this great expertise of contemporary I think that it is this human contact that we can not do, I hope it will come back.
After establishing Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in 1976, Desikachar started supervising the training of other yoga therapists. Over the years, he continued his initial intake of new patients and assigned each to the appropriate teacher. In this process, he admitted that the hardest decision was not to teach, but who advised who would teach: Who is the best teacher that he trained? He knew that as the relationship between teacher and student evolved, the initial protocols proposed to the teacher were less important than how the practice would change.

Desikachar respects the individual nature of yoga therapy and has never proposed a standardized treatment for specific symptoms. "It can not be said that there are concrete solutions to specific conditions, Desikachar says. I thought it would be more comfortable, but the more people you have to adapt, the more you have to adapt.In asthma and diabetes, the same treatment may work for both diagnoses, but sometimes the same kind of For two different people with problems, we have to give different courses, the key is the relationship between the teacher and the students.

Desikachar never shook to preserve the individual nature of yoga instructions. His example continues to inspire me and myriad other therapists, teachers, students all over the world. For nearly four decades in this field, and spending thousands of hours practicing what Descichal taught, I have established the following principles that lead me to help the clients.
1. As yoga educators and therapists, we do not deal with the conditions, we educate people. It is highly likely that our clients are already looking at healthcare workers who are already doing an approach that focuses on that situation. Therefore, the focus of yoga therapists should focus on what is right with people, not what is wrong. Even the most painful days in my life, there are countless life processes there. This is the biological basis of the concept of planar. As long as there is a planar there is a possibility of cure.

2. When a person breathes, you can move your body and concentrate their attention, they can practice yoga. The client is not the most complicated one, it will derive maximum benefit from the easiest thing we teach. The simplest practices include a way to integrate and move the body, breath, and mind simultaneously and a way to breathe.

3. When someone learns new ways of breathing and moving, they by definition forget the old way of breathing and moving. The benefits of yoga do not only occur after practice has been mastered, but old practices are revealed and released along the way of all learning. I always remind my students that yoga is not posing, but restoring what is in the middle of a pose.

4. Even if the client changes something at all, enormous changes are made. This is one reason why yoga therapists pay attention to improving client's breathing, standing, walking habits.

5. Engaging clients in interrogation is much more powerful than straightening and "fixing". It is important to remember that the therapeutic approach to yoga is not the same as physical therapy that adopts a yoga posture. Best yoga teachers encourage the atmosphere of learning and self-quest rather than simply providing mechanical techniques. We strive to make our students self-reliant and confident.

Image Source: Shutterstock

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